martes, 21 de junio de 2011

The tabltes Android Sony S1 and Sony S2 would be launched in September

Tablets Sony S1 S21 605x432 Los tabltes Android Sony S1 y Sony S2 serían lanzados en septiembre

Web site Engadget had access to a personal note from the marketing group of Sony in which it is stated that the S1 and S2 of the estárán company available on the market in the near future. According to that document, both will be released to the European market in the month of September this year. The pre-sale will begin in the month of August.

"While they were portrayed as , the own Sony admits that these mobile devices are not what we know as tablet" because they "have unique characteristics". And these differences are in the design. One of the -shaped shell and the other has the rear diagonal.

The two new are equipped with the mobile operating system Android Honeycomb. The S1 Sony has a 9-inch size display, functions as a universal remote control for televisions and allows users to send personal content to the TV or music to your speakers through DLNA.

For its part, the , possessing two 5.5-inch screens, has the same functionalities but was designed to be more portable. In addition, includes two built-in cameras (a back and a front) and NvidiaTegra 2 dual-core processor.

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