lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

32% Of the applications from the Android Market last for a short time in the store

android market1 478x478 El 32% de las aplicaciones del Android Market duran poco tiempo en la tienda

emerge at high speed in the , but some of them remain there very soon. According to a study carried out with application Appsfire, looking for programs for Android and iOS, 32 percent of new from the end up disappearing.

This is the highest value of the market, and in the case of the App Store the percentage of that go away is of 16 per cent, i.e. half.

These data are not disclosed by companies that are in charge manage mobile operating systems, as this could harm them in attracting developers of for their shops so that they add their software to virtual stores.

The study also reveals that one of the reasons why a high number of cease to be in the would be the fact that many are turning to Android to experiment in this platform and not to do business.

Another reason would be related to the breach of the terms of Google , which leads to that the company decides to remove them from the .

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